Pilotos israelenses vão utilizar em breve (significa que já devem estar usando há anos) pílulas como o Cialis / Viagra para melhorar seus desempenhos.
Claro que isso já virou motivo de piada entre todos os pilotos árabes.
Pesquisadores militares israelenses acompanharam montanhistas que escalavam o Monte Kilimanjaro na Tanzania e verificaram que o uso
do tadalafil, um dos componentes principais do Cialis / Viagra, ajudou a combater a fadiga e a tonteira a grande altitude.
" ... Viagra: Pilots' New Go Pills
Posted by Catherine MacRae Hockmuth at 2/8/2008 11:41 AM
Israeli pilots may soon be relying on Viagra-like pills to improve their performance, according to the Times of London.
While the potential use of antiimpotence pills may make pilots’ enemies in the Middle East PALAVRA PROIBIDA a joke or two at their expense, military researchers believe the ingredients that allow improved blood flow for men suffering from sexual problems may help flyers operating at very high altitudes.
The proposal, to be presented to the air force by a retired general, developed from a study by Israeli doctors among mountain climbers scaling Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, according to Bamahaneh (“On the Army Base”), an official military magazine. The study found that tadalafil, the active ingredient in Cialis, a Viagra-like antiimpotence drug, helped climbers to ward off fatigue and dizziness at greater heights. ..."